France relaunch: the company Aeva modernizes and relocates
The company Aeva, located in Fléac (Nouvelle Aquitaine), specialises in ignition systems for helicopter turbines. The Pyrenean company, which took over the aeronautical equipment manufacturer formerly known as Meggitt in April 2019, launched a large-scale modernisation project including the relocation of subcontracted production to Asia.
The measure
The support fund to investment and modernisation of industry aims to support industrial investment projects in 6 strategic sectors: aeronautics, automotive, nuclear, agri-food, health, electronics and essential industry inputs. 300 million of the fund is dedicated to aeronautics. They will enable the players in the sector to diversify, green and strengthen their production processes in order to develop their skills and prepare the green aircraft of the future.
The company
The company Aeva bought the former Meggitt factory in Fléac, European leader in helicopter turbine ignition systems, in April 2019. At the end of 2019, it was preparing an ambitious modernisation project to transform an ageing industrial estate into a “factory of the future 4.0”, and to recruit around 15 people. However, with the health and economic crisis, Aeva’s teams had to spend more time cancelling and reconfiguring orders than preparing new investments.
The Aeronautics Industry Support Fund allows the project to be re-launched: between now and 2023, the design office will be restructured and the factory will be modernised in order to develop the business and relocate the manufacture of components that were previously subcontracted to Asia. Aeva has already established a research and development team and is about to recruit specialists in certain materials, such as ceramics.
The testimony
“The modernisation of our factory is a great industrial adventure, and above all human. It will be piloted by our teams in Fléac, who know their product inside out to which we add new skills. The France Relance plan allows us to work on the products of the future and to participate in France’s industrial independence. (Christian Houel, chairman). ” (Christian Houel, chairman).
Sources : www.gouvernement.fr
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